I used Ana White's plans to make the coop.
Plans can be found here : https://www.ana-white.com/woodworking-projects/small-chicken-coop-planter-clean-out-tray-and-nesting-box
However I modified them as I want ed my house to be 4 ft wide to accommodate four nesting boxes for four chickens. I also wanted to incorporate roll away egg nesting trays in my coop.
I did keep the base the same dimension but that made the planter smaller. I also replaced the 2"x 4" that framed out the house with 2" X 3"as for this build 2"x4" in my opinion are overkill for framing this out.
I also made my chicken ladder from three 1" x 2". the ladder is a little over 4ft long/high with 13 rungs at a spread of 4" in between each rung. The ends have 45 degree angles cut on them and each rung is also placed at a 45 degree angle.
Because my chickens are so young I have also blocked the nest box area for now with a wall until they are bigger. I will then use a hole saw to cut holes to each individual nesting box.
Added little fun for the chickens I created a Chicken Swing with some eye hooks, chain and a dowl!